• Expert-level training simulations for confident industrial troubleshooting

TPC's troubleshooting simulations offer an immersive environment to prepare your maintenance workers to diagnose and resolve issues quickly to keep your workflows moving. A properly trained maintenance team will pay dividends when electrical equipment fails. They'll help to save hours of downtime and the associated labor costs. TPC Simulations build confident troubleshooters via the same tools your team is familiar with and components like those in your equipment for instant familiarity.


Learn from simulations in these three categories:

The Need for Simulation-based Training and Troubleshooting

Properly trained maintenance personnel are a must, especially for industries in which mechanical complexity has been steadily advancing. As a generation of workplace professionals continue to retire, it's crucial that the next generation of skilled industrial workers are prepared to efficiently and safely work on live equipment.

TPC's electrical training and troubleshooting simulation curriculum is designed specifically to meet this demand and to ensure an effective, convenient training solution is available for employees and employers alike.

Managers have access to real-time reporting on employee performance, providing full visibility into the learning process and making it easy to manage large numbers of trainees.

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Why Choose TPC for Troubleshooting Simulations?

TPC online troubleshooting simulations replicate a real-world environment in which workers can train. Our simulations teach a diverse skill set that is applicable to a wide variety of industries including automotive, food and beverage, oil and gas, plastics and packaging, facilities, and more.

Immersive and Adaptive Learning

Our simulation training immerses workers in real-world scenarios where skill levels are assessed, and content becomes progressively more in-depth to keep users challenged and moving forward.

Visuals in the Learning Environment

We use visual animations to add clarity so concepts are easier to understand, internalize, and replicate. Our interface shares many of the same features as gaming software, such as immediate feedback, instant scoring, and increasing levels of difficulty.

Quantifiable Training Outcomes

Our simulators track, analyze, and report valuable training data while utilizing a scoring system that's been proven effective in helping learners measure success and overall achievement.

Cost-efficient Solution

Our cloud-based simulations are far more cost efficient than physical simulators that use expensive and high-maintenance

Safety First

TPC Simulations give students the freedom to succeed and fail, to experiment through trial and error, and learn high-risk skills all in an entirely safe environment.

An interactive simulated learning experience is not only proven to increase knowledge retention in employees; it allows hard-working professionals easy access to the education that will save your company from unnecessary downtime and its associated financial losses.

Electrical Troubleshooting eBook