Covers analysis of training needs. Describes various kinds of maintenance training and lists important steps in administering training. This online course compares group management techniques to self-study. Discusses the training environment. Examines how to keep training records and how to evaluate training results. This course has no prerequisites. Managing a Training Program is available in online maintenance training and course manual formats.
TPC Training is authorized by IACET to offer 0.4 CEUs for this program.
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Maintenance Supervisor
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Lesson 1: Analyzing Your Training Needs
Reasons for training; Why people want to be trained; Your training attitude; What is training?; Kinds of training; Front-end analysis; Written performance objectives; Making sure training works
– Define training and state the main reason for training today.– Explain the problems involved with trial-and-error learning.– List three important steps in administering training.– Explain why good communication is important in training.– Name three distinct kinds of training.– Explain the steps involved in a front-end analysis.– Tell why it is important to write performance objectives.
Lesson 2: The Supervisor as Trainer
Training situations; Self-paced training; Group-paced training; The environment; Starting out; Keeping them with you; Supervised self-study; The level of training material; Developing your own training programs; Using commercially prepared training packages
– List the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of self-paced and group-paced training.– Lists several important aspects of the training environment and tell why each is important.– Explain several group management techniques.– Name at least three advantages of supervised self-study.– Explain the importance of determining the level of your training needs.– Evaluate the suitability of commercially prepared training programs.
Lesson 3: Using Training Media
Introduction to training media; Lecture; Lecture with visual aids; Computer slide shows; Training with DVDs and videotapes; Manuals; Programmed instruction; Computer-based training
– List at least six factors that influence the usefulness of a training medium.– Name several types of visual aids and explain how each can be used to improve a lecture.– Explain how to put together a useful sample set.– Trace the steps involved in the making of a computerized slide show.– List several advantages of videotapes over films.– List the advantages of DVDs over videotapes.– Give the main reason programmed instruction is effective.– Describe the usefulness of computers in training.
Lesson 4: Teaching and Evaluating Success
Twelve rules for adult learners; Before class starts; Ensuring you reach trainees; Points to keep in mind; Making training relatable; What these rules mean; Record keeping and data collection; Types of records to keep; Time standards; Evaluating training; Pretest/post-test; Writing tests; On-the-job observation; Questionnaires; Record keeping and evaluation
– List several reasons for keeping training records.– Name the three types of training records that are important to keep.– Explain how time standards are established and how they can be used to measure performance.– Name three common training evaluation methods and explain the applications of each.– Give examples of five types of written test questions and give advantages and disadvantages of each type.– Tell why an on-the-job observation checklist is an important evaluative tool.– Describe the purpose of a questionnaire.
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